  • 企业技术需求


    日期: 2015-12-17 14:06:06 点击数:  
    项目名称: 机器人设计制造技术(Robot design and manufacture technology)
    项目简介: (1)机器人本体的加工材质,由于机器人需要连续不停的负重运动,所选材质一定要满足这种强度个工作。我们采用铝铸件承担机器人本体的主要材质,但是需要分析验证并且实验出满足条件的最佳密度。
    (2)SEW产品为基础工业中的传动设备,其中包括减速机、减速器及变频器 等,SEW的产品以全新的“模块组合”概念,为机电电子一体化的发展提供了更加广阔的空间。我们需要选择6个匹配的SEW电机,驱动控制系统,以实现机器人6自由度动作。
    (3)SEW减速电机是在模块组合体系的基础上设计的, 有极其多的电机组合、安装位置和结构方案。SEW可提供带输入轴不装电动机的减速器,或提供安装用的输入端敞开的减速器。全套SEW-EURODRIVE模块组合体系为您提供最佳选择。能耗低,性能优越,减速器效率达96%。振动小,噪音低。我们要选用最合理的电机组合,实现减小机器人在高速运行中急停时的冲击。
    (5)PHOENIX INTERBUS通信板,是机器人控制系统与外界信号交互的桥梁,InterBus是一个传感器/调节器总线系统,特别适用于工业用途,能够提供从控制级设备至底层限定开关的一致的网络互联。它通过一根单一电缆或者光纤来连接所有的设备,而无需考虑操作的复杂度,并允许用户充分利用这种优势来减少整体系统的安装和维护成本。
    (1) Processing materials of the robot body. For robots require continuous and weight-bearing exercise, the selected material must meet this work intensity. We choose aluminum castings to be the main material of robot bodies. But we need to analyze and take experimentation to meet the conditions of the optimum density.
    (2) SEW product is the transmission equipment of basic industry, it concludes reducer, gear reducer and inverter etc.. SEW product provides a more expansive space for mechanically and electronically integration through its new “modules” concept. We need to choose 6 matching SEW motors and drive control system to realize 6 freedom degree actions of robots.
    (3) SEW gear motor is designed on the basis of the module combination system. It has lots of motor combinations, installation locations and structure projects. SEW can provide the reducer with input shaft but without motor installation. Or it can provide input-open reducer for installation. The complete set of SEW-EURODRIVE module combination system is your best choice. Low energy consumption, superior performance, the reducer efficiency is up to 96%. Light vibration and low noise. We want to choose the most reasonable combination of motors to reduce the impact of emergency stop when the robot operating in high speed. 
    (4)Robot control counter is a industry computer with Inter processor. Install XP pro system into the hard drive; install the robot control software; realize set-up; operation and programming on the robot through the software operation. We need to edit this software to realize the above functions.
    (5) PHOENIX INTERBUS communication board is the bridge of robot control system with outside signal interaction. The InterBus is a sensor / regulator bus system, especially suitable for industrial uses. It can provide consistent network connectivity from the control level equipment to the bottom limited switch. Connecting all devices through a single cable or optical fiber, regardless of the complexity of the operation, and allows the user to take full advantage of this advantage to reduce the overall system installation and maintenance costs.
    (6) The repetitive motion accuracy of the robot. Robot works are basically repetitive tasks, each time the program runs to the same location must be within the scope of the provisions, which need to select the most reasonable algorithm for robot axis with exercise, while the machining accuracy also needs very high requirements.
    技术领域: 软件  光机电一体化  电子信息  
    引进该技术项目的目的和用途的简要描述: 仅以210kg机器人负载为例:
    机器人法兰中心位置负载 210kg
    额外负载 50kg
    最大工作范围 2700mm
    重复定位精度 ±0.06mm以内
    重量 1078kg


    企业名称: 大正博凯
    企业所属行业: 科学研究,技术服务  信息传输,计算机服务和软件业  
    企业注册资本: 企业职工人数:


    信息提供来源: 长春市科技信息研究所(东民主大街322号)
    联系人联系方式: 颜 涛  0431-88987752  Email:yantao@ccst.gov.cn
    俞黎亚  0431-88987610  Email:yly@ccst.gov.cn
    关 结  0431-88987752





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