  • 企业技术需求


    日期: 2015-12-17 13:26:36 点击数:  
    项目名称: 三维视觉定位系统设计集成技术(Three-dimensional visual positioning system design integration technologies)
    项目简介: 三维定位系统功能是实现系统对白车身及白车身弓箭的三维视觉定位以及对机器人准确的定位,其要求硬件系统和软件系统如下:
    VMT 的视觉系统使用自主独立开发的图像处理软件,其名称为VMT IS,该软件配备一个直观、操作简易的多语言用户操作界面。这个软件依据每个工件不同的材料和亮度,利用图象预处理算法将图象的特征点放大。
    由于机器人的工作坐标系使用外部工件坐标系(车体坐标系),所以机器人可以依据此坐标系进行离线编程。第三方测量系统将测出的机器人坐标系数值和车体坐标系的数值转换为车体坐标系相对于机器人基坐标系的转换值。第三方测量系统再将这个数值传送到机器人系统中,机器人使用此数值实现离线编程工作。视觉系统中用于计算的4 个摄像头需要进行标定才能集成到视觉系统中,标定值包括摄像头的内部参数(Cx,Cy,Sx,Sy,f,k)和外部参数(X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ)。
    视觉系统使用Profibus DP通信技术实现与PLC 之间的通讯,通讯分为流程控制和数据交换两个部分,流程控制包括车体类型码、启动信号、错误代码、错误退出信号、系统状态码等;数据交换就是视觉系统的测量结果数据包传送给PLC,PLC 再传送给机器人(集成商也可以根据需要,直接将数据报传送给机器人),该数据包包括方位矫正矢量、标识位、状态位等数据。
    如果应用中需要一个视觉系统来引导机器人,那么必须知道视觉系统与运动系统集成的方式。对于校准和操作系统,一个未集成任何控制器的系统是一个初级的系统。未集成任何控制器的系统中机械人或机构和视觉系统需要分开校准,在操作中,一台独立的视觉系统根据视觉坐标系统中的已知位置值计算出零件位置的偏移量,然后发指令给机器人,机器人手臂在离初始化编程的拾取点的偏移位置处拾取零件。相反,一个集成系统如Adeptvision sAVI控制器的系统,能在一个坐标系统中校准视觉系统和机器人的位置值。通过这个位置值定位零件位置值,然后可定义机器人六自由度坐标值实现视觉引导运动功能完成拾取零件。
    Three-dimensional positioning system functions are BIW and white body bows and arrows , the three-dimensional visual positioning and precise positioning of the robot , and their requirements to hardware and software systems are as follows :
    (1) Image processing software
    VMT of the visual system uses image processing software for independent development, the name of the VMT the IS, the software with an intuitive, easy-to- multi- language user interface. The software according to each different workpiece materials and brightness, image pre-processing algorithm to the feature points of the image to enlarge.
    (2) Visual positioning
    As the robot coordinate system using an external workpiece coordinate system (body coordinate system), so the robot can be based on the coordinate system for offline programming. Third - party measurement system will measure the robot coordinate system, values and body coordinate system of values into the conversion value for the body coordinate system relative to the robot base coordinate system. This value of the third - party measurement system and then sent to the robot system, the robot uses this value for offline programming. Vision system used for calculation of the four camera head needs to carry out the calibration can be integrated into the visual system , the calibration value , including the camera internal parameters ( CX , of Cy , Sx, Sy of , f , k- ) and external parameters ( X- , Y- , Z- RX, RY, RZ).
    (3) Optical devices and lighting
    Application of optical devices and lighting fixtures in the visual system is essential. Sometimes, select the most appropriate optical devices and lighting , if the monitored object or feature slightly changes would require changes in lighting and lighting levels. For example, wafer polishing the surface lead to different quality of the laser-etched logo in the OCR application. Select a good stability positioning tool can easily handle the above problems, such as the the Adept geometric object locator. 
    (4) Locator
    Objects or features of the precise positioning of the workpiece is an important function of a detection system, or guided by the visual motion system. The traditional object positioning "gray value " technology . Although this technique has been widely used, however, in the case of deterioration of image quality, this technology is the lack of stability. Geometric object location method is a method, it uses the outline of the object to identify the object and its characteristics, the use of this positioning method can solve the above problem.
    (5) Communication mode
    The visual system using Profibus DP communication technology to achieve communication between the PLC communication is divided into process control and data exchange the two parts. Process control , including body type code, the start signal , the error code , error exit signals , the system status code ; data exchange measurement results of the visual system of data packets transmitted to the PLC , the PLC re-transmission sent to the robot ( integrators can also be required , directly to the datagram sent to the robot ). The packets include the position correction vector, identification bits, status bits and other data.
    (6) Visually guided movement
    If the application requires a visual system to guide the robot , you must know the vision systems and motion systems integration. Calibration and operating system , a non- integrated system of any controller is a primary system. Integration of any controller, the robot system or institution and the visual system does not need to be separately calibrated to calculate the offset of the location of parts in the operation, an independent visual system according to the known location values in the visual coordinate system , and then sent commands to the robot , the robot arm to pick up points away from the initial programming of the offset position to pick up parts. In contrast, an integrated system such as Adept vision sAVI controller, in a coordinate system calibrate the value of the visual system and the robots position. This position value positioning parts location value, and then define the coordinate values of the robot six degrees of freedom to achieve a visual guide motor function to complete the pick up parts.
    技术领域: 软件  光机电一体化  电子信息  
    需求技术水平: 国内先进
    引进目的: 其他  减少环境污染  降低生产成本  提高产品的质量和生产规模  高产品的技术含量及功能  提高设备的装备水平  开发新产品或服务项目  


    企业名称: 大正博凯
    企业所属行业: 信息传输,计算机服务和软件业  制造业  
    企业注册资本: 企业职工人数:


    信息提供来源: 长春市科技信息研究所(东民主大街322号)
    联系人联系方式: 颜 涛  0431-88987752  Email:yantao@ccst.gov.cn
    俞黎亚  0431-88987610  Email:yly@ccst.gov.cn
    关 结  0431-88987752





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